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16 July / 2024

ACC Press Release re: Charges of 15 July 2024

Anti-Corruption Commission Files Charges

Following a complex and protracted investigation, investigators from the Anti-Corruption Commission have on 15th July 2024 charged the following persons:

Marc Edward CHIN, aged 36 years, a former public officer of Newlands, Grand Cayman is charged with the following offences:

BREACH OF TRUST, contrary to section 13 of the Anti-Corruption Act (2019 Revision);

FRAUD ON THE GOVERNMENT, contrary to section 11(1) Anti-Corruption Act (2016, 2018 and 2019 revisions);

CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT FRAUD ON THE GOVERNMENT, Contrary to section 11(1) and 52 Anti-Corruption Act (2019 revision); and

MISCONDUCT IN A PUBLIC OFFICE, contrary to Common Law.


Keron Leanard WATLER, aged 30 years of East End, Grand Cayman is charged with the following offences:

BREACH OF TRUST, contrary to section 13 of the Anti-Corruption Act (2019 Revision); and

CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT FRAUD ON THE GOVERNMENT, Contrary to section 11(1) and 52 Anti-Corruption Act (2019 revision).


Shomar Peabo BAZIL, aged 28 years of Lower Valley, Grand Cayman is charged with the following offence:

1.    Bribery of a public officer Contrary to section 10 Anti-Corruption Act (2019 revision).

All three persons will appear at Court at 10:00am on Tuesday, 6th August 2024. No further information will be released, at this time.


The PDF document can be downloaded here:  ACC Press Release re: Charges 15 July 2024