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13 June / 2024

ACC Press Release re: Charges of 13 June 2024

Anti-Corruption Commission Files Charges

Following a complex and protracted investigation, investigators from the Anti-Corruption Commission have today charged the following persons:

Maxwell Renal LINWOOD, aged 46 years, a former public officer of George Town, Grand Cayman is charged with the following offences:

1. BREACH OF TRUST, contrary to section 13 of the Anti-Corruption Act (2019 Revision).

2. OBTAINING PROPERTY BY DECEPTION, contrary to Section 247(1) of the Penal Code (2020 Revision).

3. BEING CONCERNED IN A MONEY LAUNDERING ARRANGEMENT, contrary to section 134 (1) of the Proceeds of Crime Act (2020 Revision).

4. ACQUIRING CRIMINAL PROPERTY, contrary to section 135 of the Proceeds of Crime Act (2020 Revision).

5. TRANSFERRING CRIMINAL PROPERTY, contrary to Section 133 of the Proceeds of Crime Act (2020 Revision).


Omar Anthony SAMUELS, aged 46 years of George Town, Grand Cayman is charged with the following offences:

1. OBTAINING PROPERTY BY DECEPTION, contrary to Section 247(1) of the Penal Code (2020 Revision).
2. BEING CONCERNED IN A MONEY LAUNDERING ARRANGEMENT, contrary to section 134 (1) Proceeds of Crime Act (2020 Revision).

Both persons will appear at Court at 10:00am on Tuesday, 25 June 2024. No further information will be released, at this time.



The PDF document can be downloaded here:  Press Release - Acc Files Charges 13 June 2024